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Why we need to save Westernport Bay from AGL: A breakdown

June 19, 2020

AGL is a gas and electricity company. The issue is that AGL has proposed to build a Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) at Crib Point, which would pose all kinds of threats to our precious local environment — including our birds, marine life and pristine bay.

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DIY natural oatmeal face scrub for yummy skin

June 02, 2020

We absolutely lurrrve this face scrub. Made with oats, almond oil and spices, it will leave your skin looking, smelling and feeling utterly delicious. And the best thing about it is that it's homemade using ingredients you probably already have lying around (meaning a lower carbon footprint, less packaging and fewer nasty chemicals). 

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Our favourite winter skincare rituals

June 02, 2020

In the colder weather, the combination of wind, cold weather and indoor heating can leave your skin dry and chapped. And even though you might not be showing so much skin in the cooler months, it still deserves love!

In our experience, the best way to create a new habit is to make it feel a little luxe. Here are our favourite rituals to care for your skin (and yourself!) in the wintertime. 

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Sunscreen for children

May 21, 2020

If you've got a kid, you know how much time outside they need. You're also probably concerned about protecting their delicate skin from both the sun and chemicals. Here's a guide on sun protection for kids.

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How to protect your face from the sun — and why you need to

May 21, 2020

Most of us know that we should be wearing sunscreen on our faces every day, but we don’t necessarily know why this is important, or how to work it into our skin and beauty routine. Clean beauty expert Micaela Hone answers all of our questions — including how to wear sunscreen with your make up. 

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When was sunscreen invented? The history and evolution of sun protection

May 01, 2020

Believe it or not, sunscreen is actually a relatively new invention. Which seems strange considering the sun has been around for like, forever. What did people do before sunscreen? History tells us that ancient cultures used anything from mud, to rice bran, to olive oil, to zinc oxide. That’s right: the active ingredient used in physical sunscreens (like SunButter!) has been used as sunblock for thousands of years. 

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Six positive things to focus on during the COVID-19 pandemic

April 08, 2020

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How to Go Plastic Free With SunButter Zero-Waste Sunscreen

March 30, 2020

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Australia: A Surfer’s Haven

March 25, 2020

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Can Beekeeping be Sustainable?

March 25, 2020

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Friends of the Coral Reefs

March 15, 2020

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The Importance of Vitamin D

March 10, 2020

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