In December 2015, a law was passed in the USA prohibiting the use of plastic microbeads in cosmetics and toiletries. The Microbead Free Waters Act (MFWA) however, is limited to rinse-off products such as scrubs and shampoo and does not cover leave-on products such as make-up and sunscreen. Microplastics like Sunspheres are used in leave-on products and are often far smaller, because they have functions other than to exfoliate.
So, to fight this and give consumers the power to not use products that contain microplastics the Plastic Soup Foundation have created ZERO BRANDS. This ZERO certifies that the product contains no plastic particles of any type in its formula.
So, feel safe in knowing SunButter Sunscreen is a ZERO certified brand and make sure to spread the word so consumers can vote with their wallets and boycott the use of plastics in cosmetics and sunscreens.
Oceans of thanks,
Sash & Tom